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PostWysłany: 4 Wrzesień 2017, o 11:32
przez madina
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A solid house with turrets, saunas, a court, a swimming pool, a gym, a few cozy places scattered around the site for kebab gatherings - in short, everything you need for a full spiritual relaxation. And even - a small scene on the edge of the meadow, covered with a "shell" ...
The entire schoolyard was filled with a buzzing crowd. It formed intricate currents among beds and tables for tennis, swarmed by piles, flashing loud clamor and enveloping clubs not only of cigarette smoke. Dressed in Germany whoever puts it on the soul, - democratically the land, - there are no rules for everyday wearing of clothes, but the teenagers thronging in the courtyard struck me in the heart. Everywhere jeans alternated with the skin, the width and length of the trousers varied to the widest extent, the platforms resembled the Pisa tower, and the hairdresses bristled with orange and green spears.
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And so, one fine day, "girlfriend" Marinka dragged me out of the house on the anniversary of our television channel. I've always been spitting on all such parties, parties and stuff, but Marinka almost chased me out of the apartment.
It should be said that Mary, (Trinity, so it was called in the Internet, in fact, where we met with her almost a year ago) was, almost the richest man in the city. For half a year of her stay, she managed to do something that not everyone can do. I admired her dedication, self-confidence. She built a club that was, almost the most popular in the city. She could afford everything, without a small star from the sky. And despite this, money and position did not nearly spoil it. When we met with her, she impressed me with a cheerful, sociable person. If only then I knew that fate would bring us closer ... I would not have believed it. With her help, I entered the Moscow State University. She paid for my education expenses. At the first meeting she gave me a phone, and again she paid for it and still pays for it. And further. She never did anything for mercenary purposes. She was just pleased to do good to people. She received a kind of pleasure from this. For these six months we became friends with her, like with no one and never. I could easily cry to her in the vest, tell about the problems. She not only listened to me, but also tried to support and help me in every possible way.
-YA khochu yest', izvini ya ne zavtrakala. Poydom, perekusim, - ona vzyala menya za ruku, i my poshli k etomu domiku.
After 2 minutes I was standing in the street when her Volvo drove up. It was a white-matte car, with a convertible top. There was a girl in blue jeans and a sports shirt that emphasized the ideal and grace of her figure. The young lady was tall, she had a pretty little face that glowed with a kind of light, and the look was so captivating, and from her green, bottomless eyes it grew warmer and lighter on the soul. Approaching me, she smiled a sweet, friendly smile
-Preceded. Come on - she got out of the car, I still did not quite understand where I, on the ground or in the sky, I was almost asleep. She held out her hand to me, and her face broke into a smile that I loved so much, - rather come to, and go.

Re: free chat girl now how to fight fatigue from chemo

PostWysłany: 14 Kwiecień 2020, o 03:36
przez valdunn

Re: free chat girl now how to fight fatigue from chemo

PostWysłany: 19 Maj 2021, o 20:08
przez valdunn